Monday, October 5, 2009

Heather Siebens - Epilepsy Activist (Chandler, USA)

I have met SOOOO many amazing people on twitter...naming just a few on here to start...we all need to connect more--talk more out. And get others who aren't--connected!! Amazing blog humbled me big today--Jesus works wonders in all circumstances.

Hi All,

Meet my famous and untiring epilepsy activist friend, Heather Siebens (Hetty) from USA. I got to know Hetty from Twitter. Meeting and communicating with Hetty was one of the happiest things that unfolded to me recently.

Hetty is a lively, bubbly, positive minded person with epilepsy. If you care to view more of Hetty's YouTube videos you will find out from her the various illnesses she is going through in her life. She does not complain about her illnesses but instead advices people to face and accept their illnesses courageously. Adversities are part of everyone's lives.

Hetty not only copes with her own epilepsy condition but she also serves as a great and loving caregiver to her daughter who also has epilepsy. There are chain reactions in life. I am most uplifted by Hetty's constant active participation and contribution towards promoting epilepsy awareness. Likewise, I hope I have been a good source of inspiration to others. And for the people who have been inspired by Hetty and me, I hope you all will on your part be equally uplifting to some more other people.

In a highly stigmatized society that we live in, let us work as an unbreakable united force to eradicate or reduce wrong myths and misconceptions about epilepsy.


(Hetty can be connected in Twitter @EpilepsyCures or @AliveinMe or you can visit her at

Acknowledgement : Thank you very much Hetty for mentioning me in this YouTube video of yours.



  1. Stuart Ross McCallumOctober 5, 2009 at 5:04 PM

    I have read your blog, in a word - amazing - people like us coming together from all corners of the globe for a cause--I'm proud.

  2. I have listen to Heather...n she's great.

  3. Hi Ross,

    It is amazing indeed. Staying connected and be part of a strong and powerful form of epilepsy network is extremely important for all of us who have epilepsy. When we unite and work as ONE, positive changes will be achievable in the shortest time.

  4. Hi Billy,

    So glad you have watched and listened to Hetty in this video. She is truly an extremely inspiring soul.

  5. Miss Serene--- You have been one inspiring soul since we met on that one site---> remember I said such kind words.... thought with such knowledge and a heart you were a doctor!! Look at you keep going!!!! You have more than touched my heart... and humbled me. I so thank Jesus for friends like you-- we seem so similar in many ways!! To love ALL---thru everything. And I sure love you---and look forward to meeting you one day---whether you come out for my 3rd surgery--or we go out there after it!! We need to meet!! I still say with all the work we both put in... we need to tag team on @EpilepsyCures!! And even on the ning and the one on Facebook!! Need you girl!! You amaze me!!
    Blessings... and SOOOOOO many thanks!! RE-POSTING on all the sites---TODAY!!


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