Monday, April 14, 2008


Renee, my good and supportive friend whom I have come to know from an epilepsy forum has had seizures from the age of one. She has lived with seizures for 30 years. Renee’s seizures happen only when she suffers pain. It is rare to hear of pain triggering seizures. She is perfectly normal and doesn’t have seizures when not in pain. She puts in lots of efforts and time to visit her neurologist about her condition. Her medical tests results turned out normal and her doctor’s conclusion is she suffers from epilepsy. She is on AEDs ( Anti Epileptic Drug ) and the medications have helped her condition in a small way. The best way for her to be seizure free is to avoid pain by being extra careful in her life about everything and anything that could cause her pain.

Ever heard of such a trigger before? Renee will be very keen to hear from you if you happen to have the same type of trigger as hers. There could be more rare triggers out there that are unknown to us. Care to share your opinions?

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